Digest>Archives> March 2004

Annual American Lighthouse Foundation Spring Event!


Evening Dinner at Skippy’s Pier I

in South Yarmouth, Mass.

Saturday, May 15, 6:00pm

Lots of Raffle Prizes!

Sunday, May 16, 7:00am to 10:00am

Brunch at The Ramada, Hyannis

More Raffle Prizes!

American Lighthouse Foundation

P.O. Box 889, Wells, Maine 04090

Ph. 207-646-0245


Call in your

reservations now!

Dinner: $35.00

Brunch: $20.00

Both: $50.00

We have a block of rooms reserved at the Ramada Inn in Hyannis. Rooms are $89 and you must mention American Lighthouse Foundation to get the discount. To reserve a room call 1-800-676-0000

Saturday Evening’s presenter will be

Bob Trapani, Jr.,

President, Delaware River & Bay Lighthouse Foundation

A portion of the proceeds of

this event will go directly to the Prospect Harbor Lighthouse in Maine.

Most of the lighthouses on the Cape will be open for Cape Cod Maritime Week, with many events throughout the weekend sponsored

by individual groups. Driving directions to all the Cape Cod lights will be included with your tickets.

This story appeared in the March 2004 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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