Disgrace at Isles of Shoals
First, I would like to express my wholehearted appreciation for my subscription and have to congratulate you especially on the article in the March issue about Isles of Shoals Lighthouse. Just leave it to the politicians and they will surely mess something up! The children and their teacher are to be admired and outstanding is their endeavor - typical Yankee too, which is a heritage I’m proud of coming from in Maine for over 60 years and hope to return soon.
Officials want their backs patted and hopefully their picture in the headlines, but—please no responsibility that might mean work!! Unless someone like you brings the subject to the forefront—there is always file 13 for the—don’t forget!! The local and national news has reached a point of no return and it is wonderful that someone like you (Tim Harrison) can truly write, to coin a phrase “just the facts, ma’am.”
I treasure all my issues of Lighthouse Digest and look forward to each issue as well as the Lighthouse Depot catalog, and again, I thank you very much.
Evangeline Mitchell
Loves Digest
Let me start by saying thank you for Lighthouse Digest. I’ve been subscribing for almost two years and I love the magazine. It’s a great help and offers hope. Where I live, I can’t even get good books or videos. Our library carries a few, but they aren’t that good. My house is done in lighthouses from my kitchen to the bedroom. I really thank you for your work and your passion to save lighthouses. Keep up all the good work and keep the light burning for the future.
Michael Wilson
Lighthouse Digest works
During the past year our group has advertised our Light Keeper program in the accommodation section of Lighthouse Digest. The Lighthouse Digest has proven to be a very productive advertising source for our program. Our one-week stays have attracted many people from across the United States. Most of these guests (80%) mention that they learned of our program by looking at the ads in Lighthouse Digest. We appreciated the high caliber of your publication and the enthusiastic folks that are attracted to lighthouses. . . . .
Thanks again for a great publication.
Dave Noll
Points Northeast Historical Society
Story caused great sadness
It was with great sadness when I read of the Isles of Shoals Lighthouse being placed on the Doomsday List. There is so much history and wonderful stories of this great lighthouse and the Isle of Shoals. My great grandfather John W. Downs was brought up on the Isles as a boy. Many of my ancestors were hard working fishermen. I had hard times making a living back then. They are all talked about in my grandfather’s book, Spray of Salt by John W. Downs. Also a wonderful story about the lighthouse and the keepers is in the book. This old lighthouse has seen so much history.
Thanks to the seventh graders at North Hampton School for trying to save it. I have been trying to find a replica of this lighthouse that lights up for a long time. Even you folks don’t have one.
How sad that the State of New Hampshire could let this happen. I’m proud to be a descendant of the real old Shoalers who settled these Isles.
Ruth Nederlk
New York
Awaiting Future Issues
I just received my first issue of Lighthouse Digest. I wish I had ordered it years ago! I was so warmed and fascinated by the articles, that I read it from cover to cover, in one day. I have loved lighthouses for as long as I can remember. Reading your article on Shirley Temple and the movie Captain January I realized that it must have been my original contact with lighthouses and their keepers. I enjoyed also, the articles on Louis Bauchan and Ms. Violet Finck. I was so inspired that I sent them both birthday cards. I also wrote poems for each of them, in honor of their many years in the service, as lighthouse keepers. Thanks you so much, for your hard work and efforts. I anxiously await my future copies.
Cindy O’Connor
This story appeared in the
May 2002 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.
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