Digest>Archives> February 2002

Web News

By Geoff Baker


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This is a monthly column devoted to informing readers about tips, tricks, and cool stuff at our web site. . .


Where is the world’s largest online lighthouse database? If you guessed “at our website” you would be right! In the making for over two years, the Lighthouse Explorer Database is an interactive search tool that lets users research information about lighthouses from all over the world.

With over 2000 lighthouses in the database, it is definitely a must visit area of our website! Just point your browser to: www.lhdepot.com/explorer.cfm and you can be discovering fascinating lighthouse information in no time at all!

What kind of information is stored on the database? Well, first of all, there are thousands of pictures. While not all lighthouses have photographs in our database (yet) there is a good chance that the one you are looking for will have a photo. And you may also find both a high and a low resolution photo, depending on the lighthouse. It is our goal to have pictures of them all!

The Lighthouse Explorer database records the following information:


Nearest Town or City:


Managing Organization: Who is in charge of the lighthouse?

Contact name of person, along with address and telephone number, if available

Website: Does the lighthouse have its own website?

Tower Height

Height of Focal Plane (the height of center of the optic)

Description of Tower

Is the light operational?

Date Established

Date Present Tower Built

Optics: Does it still have a lens, and when was it installed?

Current Use: What is it being used for?

Is the Lighthouse open To Public?

Is the Lighthouse on the National Historical Register?


The Lighthouse Explorer is searchable! Looking for information on the lighthouse down the street? Or maybe your looking on lighthouses of Argentina? Type what you are looking for into the Search field and the Explorer will search the site for every possible lighthouse fitting that request and list them for you for easy access. Or maybe you just want information on this month’s cover lighthouse. . . just type in “Round Island” into the search field. You will then find out how many lighthouses share its name. And by clicking each one, you will find out the answers to all of the questions above.

Happy searching!

This story appeared in the February 2002 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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