Digest>Archives> May/Jun 2024

And In The Print Edition ...


All the stories below appear in the print edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. Some may appear in the Internet edition; if so, you can follow the link to the story.

World Monuments Fund Watch List 2025

Point Cabrillo Shines Again

ALF Embarks on a Journey Following Devastating Storms

New Volkswagen Ad

Lighthouse Fascination

Great Granddaughters Celebrate Pigeon Point Anniversary

Farewell, Luv

Small Man-made Island Near the Key Bridge

Buoy Captivates Beachgoers

Was Isham W. Hawkins a Lighthouse Keeper? ?

Hudson-Athens Lighthouse Added to Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List

LHRI Debuts New Keepers’ Database

Book Reviews

Photos of Interest

Lost Lighthouses

Recently Acquired Photos

From the Bulletin

Word Puzzle

Keeper’s Korner

The Doomsday List

This story appeared in the May/Jun 2024 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

All contents copyright © 1995-2024 by Lighthouse Digest®, Inc. No story, photograph, or any other item on this website may be reprinted or reproduced without the express permission of Lighthouse Digest. For contact information, click here.

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