Digest>May/Jun 2016

Photo Caption:

Nancy Rose, shown in the center, in front of the Stony Point Lighthouse keeper’s house. The lady on her left is believed to be her daughter Melinda Rose and the lady on the right is unknown. Nancy Rose’s husband, Alexander Rose, was the lighthouse keeper of Stony Point from 1852 to his death in 1857 when Nancy Rose took over the job. After being the lighthouse keeper for an amazing 47 years, Nancy Rose died in 1904. At the time of her death, only two of her seven children were still alive; son Alexander and daughter Melinda, who then applied for the job as lighthouse keeper, however, she quit after a year, saying that the pay was not enough for all of the duties that were required. (Courtesy Stony Point Battlefield State Historic Site.)
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A Faithful Life at a Faithful Light
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