Digest>Sep/Oct 2023

Photo Caption:

The interior cut-away view of the lighthouse lantern in Out Yonder, showing a real-looking Fresnel 5th order lens, was filmed inside a studio building in Fort Lee, New Jersey. The newspapers reported that in addition to startling local residents, “Even tug captains and barge captains were puzzled by the erection of this new lighthouse, as they had never received any notification from Washington of the presence of dangerous reefs in the Hudson River. Accordingly, after much discussion and excitement, investigation was made, and it was found that after all there was no occasion for alarm. New York was perfectly safe.” It was probably a very good thing that the filming of the actual lens in use in the movie was at the studio instead of in the faux tower as lighting it would have really confused and raised an alarm among the Hudson River mariners.
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A Lighthouse Mystery “Out Yonder”
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