Digest>Sep/Oct 2016

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Frederick Dillon writes that in 1939, upon consolidation of the U.S. Bureau of Lighthouses (U.S. Lighthouse Service) with the U.S. Coast Guard “all the former Lighthouse Service personnel had to be in proper uniform and were prescribed a layout of over $800 for uniforms for the Commander Rank, including dress uniforms, overcoats, raincoats, caps, a plumed hat and a ‘seat coat’ such as General Washington used when crossing the Delaware River. Oh, yes, and a beautiful sword [which] I practiced saluting with, putting it back and forth into the scabbard.»  The swords had each commander›s name cut into the blade and beautiful etched patterns on the blade and hilt.  Grandson Frederick P. Dillon III proudly displays the cherished blade on the wall of his home in California. (Photo courtesy of Frederick P. Dillion III) 
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