Digest>Sep/Oct 2016

Photo Caption:

In April 1928, the Los Angeles Times ran an article on Frederick P. Dillon in their Shipping News section for the LA Harbor with this photo and the following caption:  “Fred Dillon has been chasing lights for the past year and a half.  He’s the Superintendent of the US Lighthouse Service and is shown on arrival at Los Angeles, Cal., after completing a trip in which he visited every lighthouse in the United States and its possessions, including Puerto Rico, Alaska and Hawaii.”  As General Superintendent of the U.S. Bureau of Lighthouses, Frederick P. Dillon was tasked with making inspection visits to every aid to navigation in the U.S. Lighthouse Service.  He stated that it took him three years to make the rounds once, and after doing it all a second time, he recommended that the position of General Superintendent be abolished as it was too much for one man to accomplish.  He was the last one ever to serve in this position. (Central Press Association photo, Lighthouse Digest archives.)
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